How to keep The motivation up

God morning! Early wake up for me today! Got some work things done early before heading out to the pool with the kiddos but I really wanted to share some thoughts with you before I go. Read up :)  cause I get a lot of messages and questions on how I stay motivated... With my business with my workouts, with my healthy eating.... 

Motivation comes down to three basic things. 

#1: take action, Go slow and steady.  Little, basic steps every day is key. Taking one day at a time and not expecting overnight results. Any change, if it's really meaningful, is going to take time. 
#2: Be your #1 cheerleader talk to yourself with affirmations.  We can talk ourselves out of anything. Seriously. We convince ourselves of why we shouldn't do the little things, even though we really want to accomplish that big goal. Just do something that's going to propel you forward and start moving and motivating you. Give yourself some credit would ya! 

#3: Surround yourself with people on the same journey as you. Doing this alone is hard. Find a small group of people who have the same or similar a goals and dreams and collaborate, two minds think better than one. I call them success partners... They will help you, support you and push you when you don't want to. And they will celebrate your success.
#4 don't give up so easily. Be consistent, be relentless, stay focused and never give up. There will be bumps you will have to overcome but keep the faith, God didn't put this dream in your heart and not give you the right tools, skills and people for you to accomplish it. 

If you wait for motivation to show up before you actually do anything, then you are going to be waiting for a very long time. Just do it. 

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