Want to see weight loss results? It's all about the little choices!

That's the secret to a healthier and fit lifestyle! 

Look, I'm not going to lie. I'm human! The smell of fresh bagels kills me! It's so powerful and weakens me. Sometimes it is stronger than me but I know better now. I know that a bagel, worth about 500 calories at least, is not really that tasty compared to my 200-300 calorie snack I'm having right now. Ezekiel bread, peanut butter, cinnamon, and chia seeds, topped with Half of a banana. Hello people. This tastes heavenly compared to that bagel. 

Remember that one meal is not going to make you gain weight, nor make you lose weight. It's the little choices you make, that added up, guarantee your success. 

Peanut butter rules over bagels any time in my books!! Woohooo!! 

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