CORE DE FORCE - the meal plan

When it comes to having success with any program NUTRITION is without a doubt 80% of where your results will come from. Today  want to give you a little more detailed break down of how the meal plan for Core de Force works.  
core de force, meal plan, core de force meal plan, core de force eating guide, core de force recipes

There are 4 potential plans that you can fall into {Plan A, B, C or D}
First, you figure out your calorie target.
  1.  Start with our current weight then multiply that by 11 and that is your calorie starting point.
  2. Take your calorie starting point and you add 400 calories because that is approximately what you will burn with each workout and that gives you your maintenance calories.
  3. Take your maintenance calories and subtract 750 calories to give you a deficit and that is your calorie target.
  4. Then figure out which category you fit into based on that number!
Once you know your plan for calories you can check out how many servings of each container you get to eat per day.  Yes Core De Force uses the portion container system or it gives you the measurements for  each one as well.
I fall into the lowest bracket which is Plan A which means I get to eat:
3 servings of veggies per day
2 fruit servings per day
4 protein servings per day
2 carb servings per day
1 healthy fat serving per day
1 seeds and dressings serving per day
2 oils, nut butter servings per day
This eating plan is all about a balanced approach to nutrition with each plan working out to be about 40% carbs, 30% proteins and 30% fats.  On weeks 2 and 3 we will be adding a few extra calories to bump up the energy and get the best out of the workouts... then on week 4 we change things up again just a little bit. 
core de force, meal plan, core de force meal plan, core de force eating guide, core de force recipes, shakeology

So now it’s time to create a plan to follow:
Sample of a day's meals
Breakfast:  Plain Greek Yogurt with berries and stevia (1 red and 1 purple)
Mid Morning Snack:  Ezekiel Toast with 1 tsp of almond butter (1yellow and 1 spoon)
Lunch:  Steak salad with Mango Lime Dressing (2 green, 1 purple, 1 red, 1 orange, 1 blue)
Afternoon Snack:  Shakeology with 1 tsp of almond butter (1 red, 1 spoon)
Dinner:  Broiled Salmon, steamed green beans, and a baked sweet potato (1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow)
What do you think? 
Do you think this is doable? It's pretty simple. the more we complicate our meals with fancy recipes and complex ingredients, the easier it is for us to want to give up.  
My clients have found that even with small changes they feel MUCH better! Also, the cleaner your food, the more energy you feel, the less sick you get,  and the easier it is to lose weight!  And check this out, when you eat clean, your body is more effective at absorbing nutrients which means, less cravings, because there is less deficiency of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in your cells. that’s why you’ll also feel less tired and much stronger.

Tiredness and cravings are signs that your body is NUTRIENT DEFICIENT. The good news is, that by eating clean, especially with what I can teach you, you will be able to lower your calories, have MORE energy and less cravings!!! Isn’t that awesome?  All that makes your weight loss efforts much easier to stick with.
core de force, meal plan, core de force meal plan, core de force eating guide, core de force recipes, clean eating, whole 30Not allowed during these days:
- Processed food
- Refined sugars
- No bread, no pastries, no cookies, no candy
- No soda
- No alcohol
- No negative mentality
- No failing
- No emotional eating

If you are looking for something to get you out of a funk, break a plateu and get you leaner and stronger for this Holiday season and life, Join my Core de Force Challenge group by completing the application below.

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