Meal planning is so important, fitness experts and those preparing for fitness competitions consider it a must. They plan their meals down to the ounce, even spending most of at least one day each week to prepare all those meals.

Every weight loss expert will undoubtedly tell you that meal planning is an essential part of dieting success.  I wouldn't consider myself one of those experts but as a fitness instructor, weight loss success story and lifestyle change warrior, and most importantly a busy mom on the go, I can assure you that by taking a few minutes out of your busy day to complete this task once a week, you will succeed! makes life so much easier! 

The advantages of meal planning are numerous. Planning meals helps you manage your time better and makes meal preparation easier. It can turn a hectic week into one that is nearly stress-free. It also helps you improve your own personal health and the health of your family. 

Notice in the chart that I also included a space for you to schedule your workout for the day.  If you also plan and schedule your workouts you have less chances of failing at completing that task.  See them as important meetings with your boss and bosses don't cancel! ;) 

Click here to get the Spreadsheet -----> Weekly Meal & Workout planner

SAMPLE of one of my changes depending on which program I am following.
Paula's sample meal plan for a week

For additional help with meal planning or portion control and figuring out what plan to follow, feel free to reach out to me.

Subscribe to get all updates and more tips to make your journey to healthy and fit a success!

Have a Heart Healthy Day!

Coach Paula Chavez


  1. This planner has helped me in so many ways. Simple & sweet. It was hard finding a planner that has spaces for 6 meals and a workout slot.

    Thank you sweetie :)

  2. Love this template! Thank you!

