Decide today that the weekend is not ruining your plan 
It is such a common problem.  We are so good during the week, hit the play button or the gym every Monday and we are so determined to get all the workouts in, food shopping done with tons of healthy eats, fruits and veggies and chicken breast!! Meals are somewhat planned and we get going.  As the week goes by we kind of stay on track because we have this nice outfit to wear to the event on Saturday night.  Cookies, no thanks.  I have my apple.  Right? 

But then the weekend comes and there goes all the hard work.  So you keep going on this roller coaster and not really seeing long lasting results.  The scale is not moving  boooooo!!!! 

I'm going to be honest with you, as always and tell you the truth..... you have to change the weekend habits if you want to really see results. 

1. Workout even weekends.  Get some cardio in, at least 30 minutes to get your metabolism going and your energy up.  You'll be more compelled to watch what you eat too. 

2. Eat healthy breakfast like any other day

3. Plan your day. Most weekend events are scheduled during the week so you more or less have an idea what your weekend is going to look like so be aware of this and plan your meals around it. 

4. Cut the alcohol.  pick lighter in calories and sugar cocktails and alternate with water.  every serving of alcohol contains at least 200 calories and these are the less complex ones.  Imagine how many calories in a sugary cocktail? yikes!! no thanks.

5. Eat before you leave your house. social eating cause a tremendous amount of caloric intake.  Minimize it by eating at home. 
6. Out and about at kids' games? Bring snacks and water.  Healthy snacks will benefit both you and the kids.  Forget the munchkins. bring on the oranges and bananas.  That is fast food. 

7.  When in doubt.... pack your Shakeology! It is so handy and it keeps you full longer.  No brainer.  That's my go to all the time. 

8. Don't eat bad food the rest of the day because you had a bad snack or meal.  Let it go and keep going.  Life happens and it's ok to enjoy yourself without feeling like the end is here. 

9.  Focus your weekend events around having fun, enjoying friends and family, visiting new places and creating memories.  

Eat to live! Don't live to eat! There is so much more to life that just food! Food is fuel and I promise you won't feel like crap Monday morning and you'll feel very accomplished when you reach that next goal! It's going to be worth it! 

For snack and meal ideas check the recipes! I keep adding more to help you stay on track! 

Hope this helps you! If you have any more ideas please feel free to comment below. 

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