JULY UPDATES!!! Cize, Fixate, and more

Hola! How are you? Hope you had a great weekend.  this is going to be a post full of updates because this week is chuck’loaded with news and new programs coming to Team Beachbody to help you add spice and fun to our health & fitness, so take a few minutes and check it all out.  


  1. FIXATE! The 21 day fix cookbook!!!! LAUNCHES TOMORROW TUESDAY…. so excited about this because it is really going to make things so much easier for us.  Most of the recipes are regular favorites… turned now into healthier options and each one will also have the breakdown of the containers… AWESOME! We don’t have to go nuts trying to figure them out!! and of course fix approved.  Some of you already have the 21 day fix so this will be a perfect addition to your healthy eats or why not, the reason why you dust it off and get started with a new round. I will email you tomorrow with the link to purchase.  the book price is $20 for customers and $15 for coaches.
You may be looking for change and stepping it up a notch….21 day fix and  21 day fix  Extreme (advanced version) are on sale until the end of the month at $140 for the challenge pack, which includes the program and 30 servings of Shakeology plus the containers and a shaker cup.
If you order this challenge pack by tonight, you will get the Fixate book from me…. for free.  I will mail it to your house.  Log in your teambechbody.com account with your email and place your order of challenge pack through the Shop,  and then remember to notify me. We have to make sure i am your coach to qualify for the free book.

  1. CIZE!!! The End of Exercize™ is coming! Shaun T’s brand new fitness program is not about doing push-ups or jumping, it’s about moving to the beat, and everyone can do it. You’re about to look forward to working out! Shaun T goes back to his dancing roots and makes losing weight an “experience,” with hot new moves and great music!

And if you think you can’t dance, don’t worry. Shaun breaks down the routines, step-by-step, move-by-move, and builds them into a full dance workout. And at the end, you’ll get to CIZE™ IT UP to songs from Shaun’s playlist. You’ll be so focused on mastering the moves that for 35–40 minutes you’ll forget you’re actually burning fat and calories, and getting in the best shape of your life.

Join this group to be notified when it releases... it's supposed to be the 20th but i have a gut feeling that it may be sooner so get ready to join the fun!! I will be leading this group and following the program!!! I’ve always always wanted to dance like a pro.

3. BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE LINE:  Designed by Harvard-trained scientists and based on cutting-edge sports science, exercise physiology, and nutrition research, Beachbody Performance contains scientifically proven ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients and plant-based nutrients to help maximize exercise performance and recovery—safely, effectively, and naturally. No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.  Learn more about them watching this video.  I will let you know more about it this week when it is released and will get back to you with even more details… if you are ready to give it a try, stay tuned… I will also notify you guys as soon as it becomes available.

4. Last but not least…. Coach Summit is this Week in Nashville… it is such a great event to be a part of and i am just so excited to be there because it is a coach growth experience.  i can’t wait to share with you all more of the  things that go on during these few days as they happen… and I want to take this opportunity to invite you to take a look at the Coaching opportunity.  From the bottom of my heart, I can’t tell you enough how good it feels to help others, whether you help 1 or 30 people, it is the most motivating, rewarding, fulfilling experiences…. if you are not a Coach yet…. there are so many perks… 25% discount on all the products, personal growth, commissions, incentives, recognition, and my favorite of all...to be surrounded with positive, motivated, visionary people, just like me.  

Ok, i think this is long enough, so much I would like to share with you but I’m going to stop now… hehehe I just love what i do and it’s exciting to share it with you all.

Hope everything is going well with you…. if you are finding it hard to get started, or to get back on track, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me… I AM HERE TO HELP YOU NOT TO JUDGE YOU… keep that in mind and don’t be shy.

Feel free to connect on facebook, send me a friend request.…https://www.facebook.com/pauchavez618 and send me a message pls just saying Hi Coach that way I know to accept. <3 have an awesome day!!! remember to push play and #nevermissamonday


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I have been following the “fix” nutrition guide for at least a year and it's by the far the easiest, least overwhelming way to track our daily food intake.  It's still  a little bit tricky when trying to put together a family favorite or recipes that are not fixed approved. 
Autumn, the creator of the program together with Beachbody,  have responded to the requests and will be releasing a new cookbook – FIXATE – this July – available through your Coach at TeamBeachbody.com  or at Coach Summit in Nashville.

If you haven’t purchased this program yet and you’ve been thinking about it now is probably a great TIME!!! Or maybe you have completed the original version and you are ready for the next level with 21 day fix extreme. So I’m going to I've you a little incentive.....

If you’re one of the first ***FIVE*** people to commit to my July 20th FIX IT Support & Accountability group and take advantage of one of the challenge pack promotions mentioned above – I’ll actually BUY the cookbook for YOU as soon as it becomes available for coaches, before it sells out!

New workout routine, new cookbook, a month’s worth of a healthy meal replacements shake, the Super fabulous Shakeology,  along with my support and coaching, and daily tips/motivation/accountability….this truly is a STEAL!
Have the programs already but you have friends who may want to join? Refer them to me and when they complete their enrollment and purchase their challenge pack you get the book for free as well as a thank you for the referral! 

Fill out the application below to claim your spot or for  more details!!!

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You Want Results? Then stick to this list

  • Change your mindset about it..... 
  • Don't think about it, just do it. Push play, go for a run, got to the gym, just do it. 
  • Stay away from reading too much and believing too much.  Too much info leads to overwhelm.
  • Execute.  Learn something .... do it. 
  • No matter how much we wish for fast results, they won't come by wishing. 
  • Be patient
  • Focus on making progress not perfection. 
  • Feed your muscles with clean, wholesome, healthy food.  Focus on NUTRITIONAL VALUE not TASTE.
  • Don't get caught up in "I don't feel like it today". Discipline, not motivation is what gets you the results you want. 
  • Find the reward and excitement in the "SATISFACTION" that comes from saying I DID IT.
  • Stop looking for shortcuts and easier ways...pills, wraps, diets.......  None of it works long term. 
  • Don't see this journey as punishment! Do this because you deserve to regain your health and your wellness.  
Stay strong! You deserve feel good! One workout at a time! One day at a time! One meal at a time! 
fitness tips, fitness motivation, weightloss help, beachbody coach, top coach, free coach

We can all be Wonder Women, in our own little world

Hi friends.... ok so yesterday on my Facebook page I shared about my latest struggles, which I normally don't share because I like to spread positivity and focus on all the good because what we focus on, grows... but in order for me to keep things real and being transparent with you as I always am, I needed to share them with you.

I'm not looking for a pity party or sympathy.  In all honesty, my goal is to share this to tell you that you are not alone... EVERYONE has struggles and things going on in their lives, wether they can control them or not, is a different story.  the way they react to them is also another story, but the bottom line is it's our choice how we react to them.  I chose to be strong. I choose to be Wonder Woman in my own little World.

I am guilty of working more hours than I should be, that's because I have a huge goal I want to accomplish and lots of things to do to take me to that goal.  I've been putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself because I don't want to fail.  On top of that add that I am a busy mom of 3, and busy wife, I like most of our meals cooked at home, plus all these house chores.  I am always busy, busy, busy, it's my nature, my mind is always busy thinking and dreaming... this feeling of overwhelm is self inflicted.  I overcommit, I am a people pleaser and I say yes to everything.

I suspect I have adrenal fatigue, at least a lot of the symptoms, like weight gain, thinking hair, sensitivity to cold, dry skin, weakness and more energy later at night.
Now, I don't have a diagnosis yet, I may not even have anything that we should be worried about, which would just be perfect!!!! But I know I don't feel like myself lately.  I can just sit here and cry and give up.  I'm not.  I am changing things to change the way I feel.  Am I going to stop working out? NO! that would be crazy, exercise is the best stress reliever, best endorphins releaser, best way to feel healthy and alive. plus motivating you motivates me every day.  i only workout 30 minutes a day,, at home, that's plenty.

Things I am changing starting today:
-more green tea and herbal tea, less coffee
-more plants based eating, less dairy
-lean protein
-making lists of things I need/want to do so it is not all in my head
-not staying so late. my new bed time will be 10pm the latest and messages will have to wait till the next Morning
-establishing business hours and boundaries that I haven't really set until now
-do more of the things I used to enjoy but I let motherhood and business take away from me
-take some time weekly for myself, just me and my thoughts because although I enjoy being with people...man I love people... I need quiet time too
-sit on the couch every once in a while and watch movies with my hubby

as far as me being here for you..... THAT WILL NOT CHANGE.  I want to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.... I want all of us to feel good and live in a ridiculously awesome state of joy.  So I have some things I need to change, change is always good... take a few minutes of your day today and write down those things that don't feel ok with you right now... don't cry over them.  change them, try at least.  life is meant to feel good. we are on the right path I can tell you that! <3

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and concerns.... believe me I am ok.  I love my life! my life is blessed. I wouldn't change it for anything!