Legs don't fail me please!

So it begins!! My training journey for my first half marathon training is on!! 
I'm nervous! Yes! I teach a lot of classes, I have 3 kids, I work some late nights and early morning so I can still be present with my kids during the day. I have tons of things to do and my body goes thru a lot of exercise some days of the week. 
Food, rest and sleep have to become a priority for me for the next few months!! 

I had the very smart idea of signing up to what I thought would be a very awesome thing to do with my friends. For a second in panicked and almost backed out but soon realized it is on October 5th, the month were my daddy was born and the same month that he was taken from us. He suffered a massive heart attack and died within seconds. I'm getting all teared up again so I won't write much more about it right now. 

Anyway, I am blessed with an amazing group of running friends, my barbies, who I have met through fitness and running and now we are in this together. Thank god they agreed to do this with me and we are training together, via FB and Nikeplus and some runs togethers. 

Today was my first run and we were to meet at 7am. Clothes, shoes, Garmin all set up last night.  Alarms goes off at 6am and seriously had to give it second thought cause I did not want to get up! Knowing they would be there forced me to get up and do it. I am so glad I did, and they did. 
We are all busy! Some are moms, work full time, we also have things to do, but one thing is for sure. We support each other and we help each other stay committed. 
We are going to rock this race, one day at a time, one mile at a time! 

My biggest motivation is that, although I know my legs will want to give up, my heart will not let them! I am running for you dad!! I know you'll be there every step I take, every drop I sweat, every mile I complete. This is for you Papi!!! My goal is to finish it in less than 2 hours!! 
(P.S. Legs please don't fail me) 

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