8 habits to better health

I just came across this article from Shape magazine and I'm sharing the link with you below, but here is the list in case you are in a rush. ;)

Take the time to click on the link and read the full explanation if you need to know why?? I would just follow this list. Lol.

1. Meditation 
2. Stretching
3. Bed before 10pm 
4. Food journaling 
5. Sleeping on the ground 
6. Lemon water
7. High intensity training
8. Outdoor walks 

 I do know I need to work on some meditation and time alone, which is hard for me with 3 kids, hubby, dog, work and my social butterfly personality. I don't like being alone and quiet. But, I know I need it so I'm going to try. 
Another one where I fail terribly is going to bed early. I probably don't sleep enough but I am going to work on it. Phones and tv off by 9:30pm from now on (I'm going to try I said). And will do so without a pillow. 

Oh and you'll be happy to know in sipping on Lemon water as I type this. 

I don't think these 8 habits would be hard to keep up with. Do you already have any of these habits as part of your lifestyle? Any one in particular you are willing to adopt from now on?? 

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